
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SuNGaI DAlaM laUT..

Keajaiban ciptaan Allah

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala berfirman : "Dan Dialah yang membiarkan dua laut mengalir (berdampingan) ; yang ini tawar lagi segar dan yang lain masin lagi pahit; dan Dia jadikan antara keduanya dinding dan batas yang menghalangi.” (QS. Al-Furqan:53).

Jika Anda termasuk orang yang gemar menonton rancangan TV `Discovery’ tentu kenal Mr.Jacques Yves Costeau , beliau adalah seorang ahli oceanografer dan ahli selam terkemuka dari Perancis. Orang tua yang berambut putih ini sepanjang hidupnya menyelam ke perbagai dasar samudera di seantero dunia dan membuat film dokumentari tentang keindahan alam dasar laut untuk ditonton di seluruh dunia.

Pada suatu hari ketika sedang melakukan eksplorasi di bawah laut, tiba-tiba beliau menemui beberapa kumpulan mata air tawar-segar yang sangat sedap rasanya kerana tidak bercampur/tidak melebur dengan air laut yang masin di sekelilingnya, seolah-olah ada dinding atau sempadan yang membatasi keduanya.

Fenomena ganjil itu memeningkan Mr. Costeau dan mendorongnya untuk mencari penyebab terpisahnya air tawar dari air masin di tengah-tengah lautan. Beliau mulai berfikir, jangan-jangan itu hanya halusinansi atau khalayan sewaktu menyelam. Waktu pun terus berlalu setelah kejadian tersebut, namun beliau tak juga mendapatkan jawapan yang memuaskan tentang fenomena ganjil tersebut.

Sampai pada suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang profesor Muslim, kemudian ia pun menceritakan fenomena ganjil itu. Profesor itu teringat pada ayat Al Quran tentang bertemunya dua lautan ( surat Ar-Rahman ayat 19-20) yang sering diidentikkan dengan Terusan Suez . Ayat itu berbunyi “Marajal bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.. .”Artinya: “Dia biarkan dua lautan bertemu, di antara keduanya ada batas yang tidak boleh ditembus.” Kemudian dibacakan surat Al Furqan ayat 53 di atas.

Selain itu, dalam beberapa kitab tafsir, ayat tentang bertemunya dua lautan tapi tak bercampur airnya diertikan sebagai lokasi muara sungai, di mana terjadi pertemuan antara air tawar dari sungai dan air masin dari laut. Namun tafsir itu tidak menjelaskan ayat berikutnya dari surat Ar-Rahman ayat 22 yang berbunyi “Yakhruju minhuma lu’lu`u wal marjaan” artinya “Keluar dari keduanya mutiara dan marjan.” Padahal di muara sungai tidak ditemukan mutiara.

Terpesonalah Mr. Costeau mendengar ayat-ayat Al Qur’an itu, melebihi kekagumannya melihat keajaiban pemandangan yang pernah dilihatnya di lautan yang dalam. Al Qur’an ini mustahil disusun oleh Muhammad yang hidup di abad ke tujuh, suatu zaman saat belum ada peralatan selam yang canggih untuk mencapai lokasi yang jauh terpencil di kedalaman samudera. Benar-benar suatu mukjizat, berita tentang fenomena ganjil 14 abad yang silam akhirnya terbukti pada abad 20. Mr. Costeau pun berkata bahawa Al Qur’an memang sesungguhnya kitab suci yang berisi firman Allah, yang seluruh kandungannya mutlak benar. Tanpa membuang masa, beliau pun memeluk Islam.

Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Menciptakan Sungai dalam Laut

Allahu Akbar…! Mr. Costeau mendapat hidayah melalui fenomena teknologi kelautan. Maha Benar Allah yang Maha Agung. Shadaqallahu Al `Azhim.Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Sesungguhnya hati manusia akan berkarat sebagaimana besi yang dikaratkan oleh air.” Bila seorang bertanya, “Apakah caranya untuk menjadikan hati-hati ini bersih kembali?” Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, “Selalulah ingat mati dan membaca Al Quran.

Jika anda seorang penyelam, maka anda harus mengunjungi Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Disana ada sebuah gua. Jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman 30 meter, airnya air segar (tawar), namun jika anda menyelam sampai kedalaman lebih dari 60 meter, airnya menjadi air masin, lalu anda dapat melihat sebuah “sungai” di dasarnya, lengkap dengan pohon dan daun daunan. 
Segelintir pengkaji mengatakan, itu bukanlah sungai biasa, itu adalah lapisan hidrogen sulfida, nampak seperti sungai… luar biasa bukan? Lihatlah betapa hebatnya ciptaan Allah SWT.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Durian: pelik tapi benar

Oh! Durian berbuah di batang

Subhanallah mahal suci Allah. Sememangnya agak janggal sekali bagi kita semua melihat spesis durian yang hidup sebegini. Pokoknya tiada kelainan. Sama sahaja seperti pokok durian yang lain. Cuma cara buahnya keluar agak lari sedikit dari pokok durian yang biasanya. Buahnya keluar melalui batang pokok dan bukannya dahan. Ianya benar-benar berlaku dan bukanlah Photoshop sama sekali. Jangan butakan iman dengan asyik menyebut “photoshop photoshop” tanpa penyiasatan menggunakan photoshop itu sendiri.
Pokok ini digelarkan pokok durian kura-kura atas sebab yang kami pun tak ketahui.

Tak pernah aku tengok durian berbuah camni..
Durian kahwin langsat ke ape nie..
Ke betoi betoi ada benda pelik ni cuma aku yang tak pernah tengok..?

Berbondong bondong buahnya ala ala dokong ngan langsat..

Macam best je aku tgk buah durian ni..
Isinya serupa durian lain gak.. besa aja..

Aneh.. dan pelik….tak pernah aku tengok pokok durian camnie 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

teka teki lawak

Dalam Banyak2 air,air apa yg paling berani?
Ha.Ha.Ape bende tu?! Kalau nak tahu, jawapan yg sebenarnye ialah air terjun..sebab dia berani terjun!!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!!!!

Banyak- banyak binatang...binatang apa keluar haid...
jwpn: kura-kura..ala tu pun tak tahu...keluar HEAD....tak paham jugak.ala kepala le..

Dlm 1 pertunjukkan.. seorg ahli silap mata tlh memijak kaca dgn tpk kakinya.. ttp dia x mengalami kelukaan..lalu dia memijak paku yg brtaburan..dan x luka juga..apabila selesai persembahan dia jln
terhencut2 kerana terpijak tahi ayam...hehehe..... ok x ... lawak x...

Dlm bnyk2 binatang..... bntg ape yg bertelur dan beranak.....kira 2 alam la niiii..... ha jwp2.... ...siput la siput bertelur...babi beranak....

Kalau anda ni semuanya pandaiiii cuba teka, banyak-banyak sungai,
sungai apa yang paling berat?
Jawapannya ialah Sungai Besi...Ha...ha...ha...

Kereta dengan motor, mana lebih tua?
jawapannya adalah motor,sebab motor pakai tongkat...

Dlm banyak- banyak pokok,pokok apa yg baik hati?
jwpn dia pokok pisang sebab dia keluarkan jantung dia.

Ni dia satu lagi teka teki dari aku..huruf jawi apa yang ada angin...
huruf TA dan YA laa... kan jadi TAYAR tu

kasut apa yang paling keras?Kasut batu..salah maa.. kasut BATA laaaa...muhahaha..lawak ka?

Sebuah bas telah berhenti secara mendadak kerana hampir terlanggar
seekor katak.apakah yang akan turun dahulu selepas pemandu itu behenti?
jawapannya ialah meter bas tulah

Antara huruf A hingga Z,banyak-banyak huruf tu..mane huruf yang boleh kahwin ...ahhh sape dapat jawab????
jawapannya ialah...huruf i ngan u lerrr..hehehehehe.nih antara
pasangan bercinta lerrr ..hehehehe 

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Persediaan melayari alam rumah tangga

SEBELUM membuat keputusan berumah tangga, setiap pasangan perlu menyelidiki dan menggariskan beberapa tugas yang perlu dipenuhi bagi menjamin kesejahteraan serta keharmonian rumah tangga agar terus subur.

Antara tanggungjawab yang perlu dipenuhi suami ke atas isteri dan anak-anak mereka termasuk:
1. Menyediakan tempat tinggal dan makanan kepada isteri dan anak.
2. Memberi nafkah batin termasuk bergaul dengan isteri secara baik.
3. Melindungi isteri dan anak-anak berkenaan dari segi keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka.
4. Melindungi maruah dan harta benda keluarga.
5. Membimbing isteri dengan ajaran Islam dalam mendapat keredaan Allah s.w.t
6. Mendidik anak-anak dan memastikan mereka mendapat pendidikan yang sempurna.
7. Menjadi penasihat dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang menimpa keluarga dan jiran tetangga.

Tugas dan tanggungjawab isteri juga penting bagi mengekalkan hubungan yang dibina. Antara peranan dan tanggungjawab isteri :
1. Isteri perlu menjaga kehormatan diri mereka terutama apabila suami tiada di rumah.
2. Patuh terhadap arahan suami selagi ia bukan arahan untuk melakukan maksiat.
3. Memberikan kasih sayang kepada suami dan anak-anak.
4. Menjaga kebersihan rumah dan kesihatan diri dan anak-anak.
5. Menyimpan rahsia pergaulan dengan suami.
6. Tidak meninggalkan rumah tanpa izin atau pengetahuan suami.
7. Berhias serta menjaga kesopanan buat tatapan suami dan tidak untuk orang lain khususnya apabila berada di khalayak ramai.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


3/09/2009 (Thursday )
Title : Business Model

For class today we learn about business model. So today lecture describe to us about capital business. A model is one plan or diagram namely used at making or describes something.

Further business model was one firm business model is his plan or diagram for how it compete, use his resources, structures his relationships, interfaces with customers, and hold value to sustain itself in basis those gains it produce. Period “business model” do used to cover all those activities define how a company competing in market.

Interest a business model have one this clearly articulated business model is important because it can be followers serves as an extension on contingency analysis. Keep an eye on of how all elements for which qualified joint business and form one overall job. Reflect why network participants want to make a viability business idea is set to work together. And say a logic heart of company for all shareholders, including firm workers.

Its business model is so useful for one new effort to look in inside self one way holistic and understand that it must build one effective “business model” be successful. All those people does work with a company, of his customers to his friends, can be so that on a voluntary basis. As a result, a company must spur his customers and his friends to play along. Close attention for every low elements the a firm business model would be vital for one new venture success.



Today lecture elaborated on feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis is process of determining whether a business idea is viable. It is preliminary evaluation a business idea, conducted by way of something the determinant whether idea is worth catch up. Then Analysis possibility takes guess (for one certain level) from one business launch, and provides an entrepreneur by one safer insight that a business idea is feasible or viable.

While Product / Service Feasibility Analysis have one assessment for appeal products total or service proposed namely idea, antecedent a prospective company hurry a product or service to development, it should be confident products or services is what desire his prospective customers.
From industry aspect / Market Feasibility Analysis also is one assessment for appeal entire market for the product or service proposed for industry / market possibility analysis, found three important issues that a proposed business should consider attractiveness one box industry, market timeliness, and identification a niche market.

We can understand of Organizational Feasibility Analysis determined it about determinant whether business had personally enough skills and resources to carry one certain product or to market service idea with his victory.

In this contingency analysis we must be management and adequacy courage source. Whereas in our finance must know make an express that enough finance assessment. Among issue pooh important in this level was cash of necessity for beginning, prestasi total corporate finance and attractiveness we involved. That all..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Next report

24/08/2009 (Monday)

Title: Debriefing, Project Business Ideas

Today, lecture teaches me of comment briefly in business ideas project. Assessment in business ideas we should know lodge report, presentation and peer evaluation. In learning outcomes, we should know three rotations is content knowledge, process skill, habit of mind.

In content knowledge one must possess creativity, idea and opportunity Analysis. Content this was necessary know method of generating ideas and innovation, must be have training. How to solve the problem with creative and opportunity recognition.

There are three major hurdles to overcome before any idea can come to fruition is identify a problem, we need to focus the problem and need to selection. Idea generation and idea selection.

The good business idea is we should solve problem or provide a need to do. We should be make improvement a better way to accomplish task in the business. Know about cause people want to buy.

In process skill have three process is communications, self-management and group process. In communications need to giving opinion about speaking, publishing and presenting. Self-management could be having take responsibility at time and task management. The group processes also have responsibility in teamwork and collaboration.

While habits of mind, reflective on learning is creative, imagining and innovating. Need to know how want applying knowledge to new situations. And thinking and communicating clarity.

What project demonstrates in the real world must be complex. Realistic, we must be create own motivation about project. Need to use imagination in thinking, under conditions of uncertainty and important to be passionate.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Third report

06/08/2009 ( Thursday )

Title: Oral Presentation

In class today I learn of presentation oral. Lecture narrates how we want prepare and current delivery presentation. Among them is we should write a script, it practice keep to make reference during our talk. We also must set up one our talk line, this practice to becoming reference. And were even speaker provide signal current cards talk take place.

And presented a our oral presentation also must follow time. Timing sees our time limit is permanent in 7 minutes. Something under 6 minutes is also one problem. Do a few rehearsal, written one script, or looking for another way a few to get just right time.

Volume we must be spoken sufficiently strong so that our audience altogether can hear we. we can get several ways to practice said a little louder in days before oral presentation.

Pacing , speed sometimes oral presentation is slightly nervous talk too fast. All the adrenalin cause they to speed up through their talk. Which made it hard for the audience to follow. In general, it helps listeners to understand you better if you said some slower and deliberately of you damage normal conversation. Slow down, take it easy, became clear.

Gesture and posture see on strike nervous hand fly over place. This even could be disturb and a bit comedy. Plan to keep your hand hugging with or holding onto podium and only occasionally gestured to a few. For style, avoid bent down in podium and leaning against wall.

Verbal crutches, on too nervous we will talk "uh," "you know," "okay" and other types oral habits nervous. Instead of saying "uh" or "you know" moment every three, only do not say something direct. In days before a person oral presentation, practice speaks without this oral armpit prop. Silence which replaced they not bad one this give listeners time to process what we said.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Third report

06/08/09 Thursday

In plan business have been lots objective is we should explain purpose a business plan, discuss how a business plan could be one document two use, explain how the writing process a business plan can be as important as the plan its self, identify those advantages and disadvantages of using software package to help in providing a business plan, explaining difference between one summary business plan, a full business plan, and a business plan operation, and others. .

Business plan was a written account, usually 25 to 35 pieces of old courtyard, which reflect what a new business plan to achieve. Dual-Use Document for business venture newest, business plan is one document dual use used both inside and outside firm. In firm, the company plans help developed one “road map” to follow in implementing his strategies and plans. And outside firm, it introduces potential investors and other stakeholders for opportunity firm business are undertaking and how it intends to continue it.

Who Reads the Business Plan And What Are They Looking For?

Found two low viewers for one firm business plan is one Firm Employees and investors and Other External Stakeholders. Staff of a company is one written business plan clearly, say future vision and plan firm, help workers for an company operating in parallel and progress in a consistent and purposeful way. As such, Investors and Other External Stakeholders is one business plan firm must make case firm is one good use single investor money or the other external attention. Key was to include facts produced through one contingency analysis which carried out properly. A business plan phone hollow if this is based strictly in what a businessman or team founders “ideas” will happen.

Guidelines for Writing a Business Plan

Business Plan structure to make best effect, a business plan should emulate a conventional structure, such as the outline to business plan are brought in chapter. Although some entrepreneurs want show inside creativity all they doing, departing from plan basic structure format conventional business usually is one mistake. Usually, investors is very working people and want a plan where they could easily discovery critical information.

Business Plan content and there should be. The business plan should give clear and short information on all important aspect to be proposed involved. It must be sufficient long to provide complete but short information enough to maintain reader ' interest. For majority plan, 25 to 35 pages was adequate. Business Plan types is found three business plan types, are shown in other slide.

Business Plan outline is one suggested outline a business plan demonstrated at the next a few slide. Most business plan does not include all those elements introduce in sample plan; we including they here by way of something the perfection. Respectively entrepreneur must decide elements to be reckoned he or his plan.

Executive summary is executive summary is one short overview for plan overall business; it provides busy a reader with everything that needs would be known distinctiveness account new venture. In many example, single investor will first ask a executive summary copy and would apply a copy for business plan full only if executive summary is enough convince.

Business is most effective way to promote business was to explain entrepreneur opportunity were identified namely, problem to solve or need be filled and when describe how business plan to address the issue. The opportunity description should be followed by a company brief history, together with company mission statement and objectives. A competitive advantage explanation company and a brief description the business model follow.

Management team because mentioned earlier , one of most important thing investors wish to see when check effort viability new business is his management team strength. If the team no “pass muster,” most investors would not be read more. Material in this section should include a the requirements short summary for every member management team, including he or employment related to and professional experiences, important implementation, and educational background.

Company Structure, Ownership, and Intellectual Property. This section should start by describing new venture structure, including reports relationships between top management team mate. The section other side should explain how firm is legally structured. This section third party should discuss the firm intellectual property own, including patent, trademark, and copyright.

Analysis This section 's industry should start by discussing major trends in the industry wherever firm planning to compete together with industry important features, such as his size, attractiveness, and profit potential. This section should also discuss how the firm will reduce or avoid those powers suppress his industry profit. Firm target market should be discussed other, together with an analysis how it would contest in market.

Plan marketing plan 's marketing this should quick to follow industry analysis and should provide detailing products account new firm or services. After reading this section the plan, single investor should be confident entire firm approach for his target market and his product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and promotional strategy is in parallel to each other and make sense.

Operations Planning. This section plan deals with operation daily company. An overview for plan manufacturing (or service delivery plan) should be followed by a network picture suppliers, business partner, and service providers will be necessary to build products or produce the firm service will sell. Whoever risks or rules pertain for operations for firm the should be disclosed, such as no routine rules on waste disposal and worker safety.

Financial plan, the finance part must show financial viability business. Careful a reader the plan will scrutinize this section. The finance plan should start by one financing explanation shall be required by future current business three for five year together with an explanation how those funds will be used. This information is called a roots and use funds statement. This section other side including finance projections, are those mean to further show financial viability business. Finance projections the should include three for five year income statements pro-forma, balance-sheet, and cash flow statements, because reflect in Chapter 8. Important to remember the business plan should be based on realistic projections. If this not and the company obtain financing or financing, there would be most indeed become a day of reckoning. Investors and bankers hold entrepreneurs accountable for inside numbers their projections.

Critical risk factor even one potential diversity critical risks may exist, a business should this section tailor to describe its really critical risks.

Attachment is any material that does not fit easily to body a business plan should appear in an appendix. Examples those substances may appear at attachment including,

Continue top management team mate, pictures or products diagrams or prototype products, certain financial data, and market research projections.

Presenting Business Plan to Investors divided into two, to the first doing one Presentation to Investors. If business plan with his victory get the interest potential investors, next step was to be met those investors and present plan personally. First meeting with single investor were generally extremely short, an hour account. Investor will usually ask firm to make 20 to 30 minutes presentation using PowerPoint slides and use rest of the time to respond to questions. If the investor is detected and want learn more of effort, firm will become asked back for one second meeting.

Second is tilt in Making a oral presentation to Investors is we should know when asked to be met single investor, founders to one new effort should prepare a PowerPoint set slide would meet slit time permitted. The delivery should be smooth and well rehearsed. Slide should be pointed and not cluttered with material. Such as, inside first rule doing one presentation oral is to follow instructions. If single investor told an entrepreneur he or he owns an hour and the hour will containing one 30 minutes delivery and a 30 minutes question and answer period, delivery should not last more than 30 minutes.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

second report

23/07/09 ( Thursday )

Creativity, business idea, and Opportunity Analysis New Ideas Resources.

Consumers should be informal supervision potential ideas and requirements. Dan officially arrange for consumers produce opinions them. While live products and services for analysis open ways to increase offers which could cause a new product or service. Further distribution channels to give members can help market newly developed products.

Idea-idea's resources new from centre Government of Files of the Patent Office contain numerous new product possibilities and product new ideas can come in response for government regulation. From Research and development is new ideas largest source is own entrepreneur “research and development” efforts. May become one formal effort connected with a current job. And a inside informal laboratory fruit a basement or garage.

Methods generate new ideas in focus groups it inside group discussion middlemen focus one way directive or free. And an excellent method for initially screening ideas and concepts. Its brainstorming allow people get turned on for creativity larger. Dan even though most ideas generated has no basis for further development, sometimes a good idea emerge. Further inventory analysis its problem analogous to focus groups and can become used to test a new product idea. Decisions must carefully evaluated as they may be no actually reflect a new business opportunity.

Creative Problem solution such as creativity is one Berjaya an entrepreneur's important property. Creativity care to decline with age, education, lack of use, and bureaucracy. And having creative potential latent a single individual can be stifled by perception, cultural, emotional, and organization factors.

Creative Problem-Solving Techniques have been lots technique among them was Brainstorming applies in creative problem and production solution creative problem idea and solution: a method to seek ideas have just concentrated on the parameter. Reverse brainstorming is one group method to seek ideas have just concentrated on negative. Brain writing is brainstorming form written and it quiet, written generation of ideas by set. Gordon method is method for new ideas grow when those individuals is unconscious problem. Checklist method is one expanded new idea further a related list of issues. Free association was one expanded new idea further a chain association associations said.

Technique further such as forced relationships is one expanded new idea by looking in products combinations. Collective Notebook Method was one expanded new idea by frequent group members recording ideas. Attribute listing is one expanded new idea by looking in the positive and negative. Big-Dream approach is one expanded new idea by thinking without constraint. Dan analyses Parameter was one expanded new idea by focusing of parameter and synthesis identification creative.

Types of Innovation occur in entrepreneur was development firsts, least innovations and set up the platform on those future innovations within one field is develop. Example was penicillin, steam engine, computer. Second was its technology not in same level scientific discovery and progress as development inventions and offer progress in products / market area. for example was personal computer, voice and text message. while third would be accustomed namely happened most frequent and usually come of market analysis and attract not technology push.

Define a New Innovation (Products or Service)

Among them was new its can become as in consumer concept, change in package or former, and Change in colors of packages. In industrial market also was products was called “new” when only slightly alterations or modifications had been made in apparently. And companies also add products to their product line that are already marketed by other companies

Opportunity Analysis plan was one opportunity analysis plan not one its business plan focus on idea and market (opportunity) to the idea. A usual opportunity analysis plan has four parts namely idea and competition description its, domestic and international market assessment to the idea, the entrepreneur and team assessment, and the measures discussion want at making policy idea for one viable business venture.

Its idea and conception was to create a prototype or schematic products.

Identify and list all competitive company in products (service) market space. Compared with at least three competitive products / most similar services in filling identified this market requirement show external sale usually opinions (USP). And entrepreneur needs to reevaluate if the idea does not have at least 3–5 unique selling propositions

The Market and the Opportunity is greeted the size and features for market.

It is market data necessarily collected for at least three years and can be done through raise as numerous secondary (printed) data as possible. While market and entrepreneur opportunity can determine if the market is big enough and suitable to ensure time and effort need to further develop a business plan and actually come in market.

Entrepreneur and Team Assessment is entrepreneurship entrepreneur and team need to be assessed. At least one person in team needs that had experience in new idea industrial area. Allow the entrepreneur to determine if he in fact are suitable to successfully move his idea to market.

The Next Steps need to be identified and included sequential order. Time and money want for needs every step would be determined. If idea cannot be self financed, when sources of capital need to be identified.

Product Planning and Development Process. Divided into five major stages

Idea stage, Concept stage, Product development stage, Test marketing stage and Commercialization.


Use E-commerce Creatively.

Entrepreneurs start a Internet trade effort need to address similar strategic questions and tactical as any other entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs need to decide for internet run in the company operation, or external source these operations to Internet experts and another option is to use packages for e-commerce.

Tracking Customer Information is its database is activity streets Industry, Segment, and Company. While support personal marketing intended at individual customer. Necessarily arrest customer get attention with straight fight marketing habit.

Doing E-Commerce as an Entrepreneurial Company

To do business over Internet is Product necessarily sent economically and easily and Product must want a big market fruit. Company must be prepared for ship his geographical location external product own. On-line operations should take important cost reduction. Company must possess the ability to economically draw customers to its Web site.

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