
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Persediaan melayari alam rumah tangga

SEBELUM membuat keputusan berumah tangga, setiap pasangan perlu menyelidiki dan menggariskan beberapa tugas yang perlu dipenuhi bagi menjamin kesejahteraan serta keharmonian rumah tangga agar terus subur.

Antara tanggungjawab yang perlu dipenuhi suami ke atas isteri dan anak-anak mereka termasuk:
1. Menyediakan tempat tinggal dan makanan kepada isteri dan anak.
2. Memberi nafkah batin termasuk bergaul dengan isteri secara baik.
3. Melindungi isteri dan anak-anak berkenaan dari segi keselamatan dan kesihatan mereka.
4. Melindungi maruah dan harta benda keluarga.
5. Membimbing isteri dengan ajaran Islam dalam mendapat keredaan Allah s.w.t
6. Mendidik anak-anak dan memastikan mereka mendapat pendidikan yang sempurna.
7. Menjadi penasihat dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang menimpa keluarga dan jiran tetangga.

Tugas dan tanggungjawab isteri juga penting bagi mengekalkan hubungan yang dibina. Antara peranan dan tanggungjawab isteri :
1. Isteri perlu menjaga kehormatan diri mereka terutama apabila suami tiada di rumah.
2. Patuh terhadap arahan suami selagi ia bukan arahan untuk melakukan maksiat.
3. Memberikan kasih sayang kepada suami dan anak-anak.
4. Menjaga kebersihan rumah dan kesihatan diri dan anak-anak.
5. Menyimpan rahsia pergaulan dengan suami.
6. Tidak meninggalkan rumah tanpa izin atau pengetahuan suami.
7. Berhias serta menjaga kesopanan buat tatapan suami dan tidak untuk orang lain khususnya apabila berada di khalayak ramai.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


3/09/2009 (Thursday )
Title : Business Model

For class today we learn about business model. So today lecture describe to us about capital business. A model is one plan or diagram namely used at making or describes something.

Further business model was one firm business model is his plan or diagram for how it compete, use his resources, structures his relationships, interfaces with customers, and hold value to sustain itself in basis those gains it produce. Period “business model” do used to cover all those activities define how a company competing in market.

Interest a business model have one this clearly articulated business model is important because it can be followers serves as an extension on contingency analysis. Keep an eye on of how all elements for which qualified joint business and form one overall job. Reflect why network participants want to make a viability business idea is set to work together. And say a logic heart of company for all shareholders, including firm workers.

Its business model is so useful for one new effort to look in inside self one way holistic and understand that it must build one effective “business model” be successful. All those people does work with a company, of his customers to his friends, can be so that on a voluntary basis. As a result, a company must spur his customers and his friends to play along. Close attention for every low elements the a firm business model would be vital for one new venture success.



Today lecture elaborated on feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis is process of determining whether a business idea is viable. It is preliminary evaluation a business idea, conducted by way of something the determinant whether idea is worth catch up. Then Analysis possibility takes guess (for one certain level) from one business launch, and provides an entrepreneur by one safer insight that a business idea is feasible or viable.

While Product / Service Feasibility Analysis have one assessment for appeal products total or service proposed namely idea, antecedent a prospective company hurry a product or service to development, it should be confident products or services is what desire his prospective customers.
From industry aspect / Market Feasibility Analysis also is one assessment for appeal entire market for the product or service proposed for industry / market possibility analysis, found three important issues that a proposed business should consider attractiveness one box industry, market timeliness, and identification a niche market.

We can understand of Organizational Feasibility Analysis determined it about determinant whether business had personally enough skills and resources to carry one certain product or to market service idea with his victory.

In this contingency analysis we must be management and adequacy courage source. Whereas in our finance must know make an express that enough finance assessment. Among issue pooh important in this level was cash of necessity for beginning, prestasi total corporate finance and attractiveness we involved. That all..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Next report

24/08/2009 (Monday)

Title: Debriefing, Project Business Ideas

Today, lecture teaches me of comment briefly in business ideas project. Assessment in business ideas we should know lodge report, presentation and peer evaluation. In learning outcomes, we should know three rotations is content knowledge, process skill, habit of mind.

In content knowledge one must possess creativity, idea and opportunity Analysis. Content this was necessary know method of generating ideas and innovation, must be have training. How to solve the problem with creative and opportunity recognition.

There are three major hurdles to overcome before any idea can come to fruition is identify a problem, we need to focus the problem and need to selection. Idea generation and idea selection.

The good business idea is we should solve problem or provide a need to do. We should be make improvement a better way to accomplish task in the business. Know about cause people want to buy.

In process skill have three process is communications, self-management and group process. In communications need to giving opinion about speaking, publishing and presenting. Self-management could be having take responsibility at time and task management. The group processes also have responsibility in teamwork and collaboration.

While habits of mind, reflective on learning is creative, imagining and innovating. Need to know how want applying knowledge to new situations. And thinking and communicating clarity.

What project demonstrates in the real world must be complex. Realistic, we must be create own motivation about project. Need to use imagination in thinking, under conditions of uncertainty and important to be passionate.

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